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The Three Scenarios Driving Wellbeing in Today’s World

Lifestyle Wellness

Updated: Jul 27, 2022

So many people live day in and day out, accepting the challenges, the disappointments, the frustrations, accepting as if it was the ‘right’ to do so, never stopping to think about how it might be with life ‘under control’, how it might ‘play out’ when things go more right than wrong.

Life can be tough, even at the best of times. No one would argue against that. But life is a one-time event. There is no rehearsal, no replay … it is a ‘live event’, there for the world to see. Most of us have heard the old saying “you only live once”, but there is a different way to view that. Consider this instead … ‘we only die once; you live every day”. Bit different? Too right. And a key truth we all need to remind ourselves of from time to time to help us get out of own way.

How is it possible to live every day as we are meant to when each new day brings obstacles, some overcome-able, others not so easily addressed? Let’s look at this from three different perspectives … three generalized areas of the ‘human condition’ we face each and every day, whether we choose to deal with them or not.

As you read each you might say “so what, that sounds like me, and I’m doing fine”, and that’s okay – if it works for you. But for others it might be a good way to start thinking about daily life – what got you to this point, what is keeping you in this situation, what might it look like a little later on down the track.

The point of the three perspectives? Let’s view them as ‘scenarios’ that can help put meaning to the three key areas of life that embrace us all as a start in considering, and then making, the change in you that you need to move forward in the manner you choose rather than what chose you.

We all have our own uniqueness – our characteristic strengths, challenges, skills and weakness, our mindset, values and beliefs. We have two ‘personalities’ that link to this … the one we were born with (our Natal Personality) and the one we have developed over our lifetime in response to what life itself has thrown at us along the way (our Emergent Personality or ‘Person-ability’ … the person we have chosen to be or become).

Both are real, but when our Emergent Personality becomes the source of frustration, confusion, lessening confidence and more, we start to not just doubt ourselves, we start to believe we are not as good as the person next to us. How quickly this can explode into our relationships, work and more, all helping us as an individual to lessen our own value (to ourselves at first, but then extending out to others). And how thoroughly we can lose contact with the person we were born as.

We live in our homes, and what a variety of styles, types and locations there are to choose from. Some are lucky to have the opportunity to design and build their own while others prefer older and long-established dwellings. Others choose apartments and townhouses to better reflect their needs.

But … how many of us stop to think about how our home is actually supporting and nourishing us as a mirror and ‘minder’ of our own chosen personalities (remember, we have two), about the flow of energy within the home, or about the general environment the home is located within.

And then there is work, and we all know just how toxic and negative that can become in so many instances, given the forcing together of so many differing individuals. And, is ‘play’ any better? Perhaps, but not always. And let’s not forget the environment itself, complete with EMF’s, pollutants, economic worries and more. It isn’t all that hard to appreciate the role/s (positive or otherwise) the environments we chose to be surrounded in can take on in our lives, and how impactful this can be on our sense of wellness.

So, you think you are healthy. Why … because you ‘have a diet’, or you ‘exercise’ one way or another? But is this health? Maybe, but most likely only a scratching of the surface. Western thinking has led us on a path of pill taking, of working out in gyms, and of taking on wonder diets … but the reality may well be that none (or at least very little) of that is helping our organ health and hence our general body system health in any strong and positive way.

Most of us choose to stick with what we have been ‘taught’ throughout our lives so far. Our passion for life can be so damaged in this way, our zest for chasing our dreams and goals diminished by what seems to be problems and concerns that can overwhelm even the best of us.

For most, our attitude and beliefs around ‘health’, food, activity/exercise, general wellbeing and more reflects our ‘training’ to rely on artificial ‘helpers’, of handing over the responsibility for our physical, mental and emotional health to some arbitrary source … pills, surgery, therapy and so on.

Take a moment to sit quietly and ponder. Where are you within each scenario. How successful (understanding that ‘success’ is very subjective and relevant to each person) have you been/are you across each of the three scenarios.

Now … consider how successful you would want to be in a ‘perfect world’.

Next … what is stopping you from achieving this.

Finally … think about what it would be like to know which scenario needs help, which scenario or scenarios are being influenced by the others, or in turn influencing other scenarios. Very quickly

it becomes apparent that any one scenario might be a cause of concern or source of impact …

and more so, other scenarios may be contributing to or being affected by this.

‘Modern western thinking’ suggests addressing the ‘concern’ at hand in a specific scenario only. But what about addressing concerns residing in the other two scenarios that may be in part (or wholly) responsible for the identified concern? To address one without taking note of the others is a sure-fire way of ending right back where you started in pretty quick time. Sound familiar?

But … when the concern is dealt with by addressing all three scenarios together, a very different outcome becomes possible, one where success is achievable … and sustainable … where success leads to success in other things, and life suddenly becomes what you know is right for you, when you begin to experience lifestyle wellness … longevity founded on happiness, balance and harmony.

There is a real need to appreciate that we, as human beings’ are not separate to, but part of, nature.

And, as nature flows, so should we. True health involves a preventive attitude, not a curative one, a whole-body balance, not a reaction to a symptom or attitude. When we tune our bodies into their natural selves and the world they live in, true and wholistic health becomes that much easier, and enjoyable, to maintain.

Is this really possible? Yes … but only when we are prepared to be ourselves in all our glory, to choose to accept that nature is within us all, and when we seek to flow as nature does we are more likely to experience (and continue to experience and even grow) our true selves, ably supported by …

  • our surrounding environment

  • the people we choose to be with

  • our choice of foods (knowing that food is more than simply vegetables/fruit and meat and the like)

  • our approach to self-healing through wisdom

  • our awareness and acceptance of the body and mind we were gifted with at birth.

Your wellness is yours to own. It is yours to do with as you please. But … no matter what decisions you make, regardless of the actions you take, it is and always will be your body … your mind … your home … your choice … your life … your longevity … your responsibility … your legacy.

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