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Embracing Health and Wellbeing … a journey of discovery, for life

Lifestyle Wellness

Updated: Aug 6, 2022

Welcome to our new blog page.

Like many people, we suspect, it has taken time and thought to make the jump to writing blogs. But, for us it has been more, it has been one of 'circle-walking', of starting, stopping, starting again … and so on.

But … why? Perhaps the answer lies in the journey we must all take, a journey of personal discovery and experience. How can one person tell another person how they might see life … if they haven't embraced that themselves? Life is always going to be a challenge, but life is also the best adventure that could ever be possible.

And this is how we have viewed our journey so far. About seven years ago we were looking for something; we didn't know what, but we knew we would recognize 'it' when t emerged. And it did … but not how we expected.

You see, we were about to learn our first lesson … we were led into a story someone else was writing, and found ourselves being led down the path we wanted to follow … but not to our advantage, or benefit. What does this mean? Being misled cost us dearly, both personally and financially. But yet, it also gave us the impetus we needed to take a really hard look at ourselves, take stock of what we had and what we wanted … and take control.

And we did just that!

Our journey actually started the day we realized what it was that we wanted. And so the journey began 'for real'. Travel to other countries to learn from masters, time spent developing our own theories, models and resources, and enjoyment in presenting to interested groups nationally and internationally.

And then covid joined the party, and like everyone else our world changed. But here's the interesting thing. What we had learned so far encouraged us to not sit down and let tings deteriorate, but in fact to use the time now available to study even more, to access even more in-depth knowledge. What a great few years, years that saw us grow our vision from a ream to a reality.

So, here we are, 2022 and the opportunity to share our adventure with people just like you. We know the reason you are reading even this little introductory post is because you are like us … you are a person who wants to overcome hurdles, to address challenges, to build a home that nourishes you, to treat your body with the respect it deserves.

And we know and respect that it is not our place to tell you what you need to do or think or believe. And we know that you will have your own reasons for being where you are right now, and your own reasons for wanting to change or not, for accepting or rejecting anything we might say here. And that is fine … in fact it is your right, and responsibility.

You see, when you take the best of the east, and the best of the west, what will be on offer here, and analyse what that means for you, you take action in growing and living as you feel appropriate. It is where we are right now, and hopefully you are in the same place as well.

So, please feel free to engage with any or all of the posts that follow moving forward … because when you do we all grow. This blog page … 'Lifestyle Wellness' looks at the three Treasures each of us have within us, three Treasures that underpin more than life, they underpin the means to living life. But they are like any Treasure … ignore them and they will serve no one; overuse or misuse them and they may deplete very quickly and permanently; nurture and invest in them and they will serve you very well.

What are these three Treasures?

  • 'Personal Genius' … your unique personal characteristics, behaviours and mindset, your values and beliefs, the way you choose to engage with yourself and those important in your life … your 'map of the world'.

  • 'Living Environment' … your home, social and work environments, the world you have chosen to live in, one that reflects your personality, that nourishes and energizes you, that makes you feel safe and allows you to be 'you'.

  • 'Manifested Presence' … your sense of health, energy, vitality and purpose, a life driven by your passions, the reason you wake up each morning feeling blessed to be able to enjoy another new day, of adventure, a life that reflects longevity du to healthy life choices.

It isn't hard to see, then, that if any one of these Treasures is letting you down (or more specifically you are letting down) sustainable wellness will always be a challenge.

And so, rather than explode this in more depth here (and there is so much to explore), it is the launching point for the posts we will put in here in the times to come.

So enjoy … and please feel free to engage with us personally, offer your thoughts about a post, suggest ideas you would like to learn more about. We would love to build a community of like-minded individuals, all focused on wholistic and integrated health and wellbeing.

Want to learn more about how you can access and grow your wholistic health and wellbeing? Contact us on


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