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A Recipe for Employing your Personal Genius

Lifestyle Wellness

Updated: Aug 30, 2022

We all have a Natal Genius and an Emergent Genius, together referred to as ‘Personal Genius’.

In simple terms, we were born with a unique suite of personal characteristics, and we then spend our lifetime creating ‘us’ from that original source.

However … the ability to achieve what we desire in life is in our control.

While we are ‘at the mercy’ of so many external forces, it is us who, unconsciously or consciously, decides how we will react, what we will seek to embrace or discard from both our Natal Genius (our Personality) and the day to day influences we encounter and who we feel is the ‘real us’ relevant to any point in our life … our Emergent Genius (our Personability).

So … the question is, do we fall into the trap of believing it is all out of our control … or do we take positive action and craft who we want to be and be seen as … our ‘alter-ego’, our super-hero outfit, our ‘Personability’ --- the persona you have created for yourself that allows you to ‘succeed’ in your map of the world, knowing it can, and will, change over time in response to life’s adventures and experiences.

To take control is to have ‘a plan’ … one might say a ‘recipe’ … something that might look a little (or a lot) like the one below.

Your Recipe Template …

INGREDIENT 1 Set Expectations for Change and Growth

For an individual to decide and embrace what it is they expect to gain and/or experience as they develop and embrace a focused life requires intention. This is about taking positive actions based on clear goals, knowing what internal and external resources are available, and when/how to employ them to best effect.

It requires a focused mindset, and a strong grasp of who the individual is (and can become) as a person, and an expectation of what is achievable, realistically. but of course, having a desire to achieve something falls well short of having committed intention to do so, and the drive to follow through.

INGREDIENT 2 Build Knowledge and Skill through Awareness, Application and Commitment

An intention does not, by itself, guarantee success. Any individual is a mixture of so many experiences and influences, success and failures, and requires time and effort to grow awareness and understanding, and this can only come through ongoing learning and application, usually experienced in a spiralling effect … a learning cycle.

All mastery comes from learning in cycles, ie starting something, trying it, finishing it completely, learning from the experience … and then repeating the cycle over and over again, each new time being a step up from the previous.

By choosing to repeat that which works, rather than continually looking for completely new alternatives when an outcome expected isn’t achieved, allows learning cycles to build on each other in a cumulative manner. As the number of cycles increase, insight into how to best engage both Natal and Personal Geniuses towards the creation of a unique Personability also increases, adding value along the way.

INGREDIENT 3 Create a Success Vision for your Personal Genius

There are many ways of creating a vision for how you would like to ‘be’, the successful person you know you have the right to be. Regardless of the approach adopted, an individual will experience times it seems impossible to achieve the vision.

At such times, a review of the reasons behind why their journey began and what the destination ‘looks like’ … their intention … can help an individual to re-focus.

Indeed, the understanding and implementation of the ‘learning cycle’ process can serve to effectively redirect an individual towards ongoing development of their ‘Personability’ in all areas of their life created through their ‘future success vision’.

Additionally, an examination of their values and passions that underlying their current and intended future mental and emotional state behind their drive for success can assist clarity and maintain forward momentum.

INGREDIENT 4 Play the Game and Enjoy Experiencing the Journey

As an individual becomes comfortable with the level of growth their Personability is experiencing, confidence in their ability to embrace and sustain the motivation to develop their Emergent Genius and what that ‘means’ to them personally, also increases. Time to enjoy it, time to anticipate ‘what next’.

But, note that enjoying does not mean ignoring. The individual must continue to accept their strengths and weaknesses, their beliefs and behaviours, towards committing to being more in tune with themselves in ‘day two’ that they were on ‘day one’, or success can quickly dissipate.

This in itself brings flow to the individual. If things are not as they would like, there is a need to re-assess what it was in the first place that initiated this journey of growth and development.

And, they need to acknowledge that they will continue to experience new learnings every day, even if unconsciously. Though not always be positive, even negative experiences can also provide good learning.

INGREDIENT 5 Recognize and Accept Responsibility for Potential Distractions

An individual must accept there will be challenges along the way. The road will get bumpy. To stay true to themselves … and their original intention for their Personability … will be their biggest challenge, and provide the biggest hurdles they will face, time and time again. It’s only natural.

As such, the individual must remain clear about what is being sought to achieve, and accept personal responsibility for staying on track through continually assessing and re-assessing seven key drivers incubating their emerging Personability, outlined below.

INGREDIENT 6 Leave a legacy Inspiring Others to Follow their own Personability Journey

It is often what an individual doesn’t say, but what others see, that is the true reward for undergoing such a challenging journey. It is an awareness that striving for success in all areas of life cannot and should not be seen as a selfish act.

A Legacy is about an individual going past understanding how they continue to deliver value to themselves through their actions, beliefs and commitment to themselves and all they have focused on being/becoming.

It can be seen as the motivator for others to take their own steps in their own world … for their own

Personability and what this may ‘mean’ for them in their life.


The value that extends from an individual’s unique Personability … the ultimate yet ever-changing melting pot of their Natal and Emergent selves … is their ‘calling card’, a reflection of the unique footprint they have created.

It defines who they choose to be as an individual of value, and an inspiration to others they associate with.

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